Communication Specialist

For our location in Rădăuți!

City: Radauti (RO)    Contract Type: Full-time     Job-Code: 5000   Department: Vânzări  


Our requirements:

  • At least 2 years’ experience in communication/ journalism/ advertising/ PR with university degree 
  • Advanced level of English language 
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills; high ability to build relationships 
  • Leadership skills and ability for a strategic overview 
  • Project management skills with focus on objectives and attention to details 
  • Public speaking and presentation skills
  • Very good IT knowledge, digital tools and social media platforms 


Your responsibilities: 

  • Constantly collaboration with colleagues from all departments developing relationships internally and externally with stakeholders to reach the communications objectives 
  • Responsible for budget management and operational execution of the company's PR activities 
  • Develop PR strategies and manage various activities and events 
  • Embrace the company’s organizational culture and be an Internal and External Brand Ambassador for EGGER in Romania
  • Management of company profiles on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) 
  • Write and edit internal and external communication materials such as internal newsletters, press releases, etc. 
  • Follow new communication trends and technologies, create reports with collected data and share knowledges 


We offer:

  • Work in a fast growing European Multinational Company that is a world-leading company in its branch 
  • Comprehensive induction program 
  • Good working environment with a friendly and highly professional team 
  • Professional development possibilities in an international sphere
  • Long-term employment 
  • Medical insurance


Your Contact

Hanelore Terna-Harand, HR, T +40 372 438 141

Despre EGGER

Noi creăm mai mult din lemn. Cei peste 11,000 de salariați ai noștri din întreaga lume lucrează cu entuziasm, împărtășesc valorile familiei noastre și spiritul inovator. Creăm astfel produse pentru mobilier și design interior, construcții si pardoseli laminate. Ne dezvoltăm continuu - fabricam produse noi, ne extindem pe piețe emergente și oferim perspective motivante salariaților noștri.